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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  June 17, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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out of control. richard engel inside the luxury hotel that got hit in turkey. lost in translation, putin, the patriots and the mystery of the super bowl ring. "nightly news" begins now. good evening. people all across this country and for that matter, all over the world will, continue to debate what edward snowden has done, exposing the kind of data mining that has become routine and while that debate goes on, he is still talking. again today from overseas. he today delivered another carefully timed leak. timed to embarrass the u.s. and great britain just as a summit of world leaders get under way and tonight the consequences continue. we begin with our chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell in our d.c. newsroom.
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>> reporter: good evening, brian. the leak was timed to embarrass the u.s. and british. by claiming they jointly spied on world leaders at past london summits. as the g8 summit opened, "the guardian" reported that the u.s. and great britain spied on past conferences. the encrypted calls home to moscow, decoded by the nsa. >> what it does do for president obama, which is problematic, robs him of much moral authority in talking about this. >> reporter: leaks about the u.s. hacking china also undercut the president when he met with president xi recently. no one should be surprised, in fact, we reported on "nightly news" 18 years ago, that the clinton white house spied on leaders in miami in 1994. what foreign leaders didn't know but nbc has been told, the
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supersecret national security agency had "wired the place" to spy on guests. >> snowden says he has unbelievable access to information. >> snowden is wrong. he couldn't have possibly done the things he is claiming he was able to do in terms of tapping communication. >> reporter: in a web chat, snowden wrote in i target an e-mail address and that sent something to you, joe america, the analyst gets it, all of it. ips, raw data, content, headers, attachments, everything. did he flee to hong kong to give information to china? he denies giving any information to china. he writes this is a predictable smear that i anticipated before going public as the u.s. media has a knee-jerk red china. and dick cheney. >> i think he's a traitor. i think he has committed crimes in effect by violating agreements. >> reporter: snowden wrote being called a traitor by dick cheney is the highest honor you can give an american.
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tonight on fox, his father told him he loved him but pleaded for him to stop leaking. >> i don't know what you've seen but i would ask that you measure what are you going to do and not release anymore information. >> defending the surveillance, the president told charlie rose to say there is a tradeoff doesn't mean we've abandoned freedom. i don't think anybody says we are no longer free because we have checkpoints at airports. >> andrea, thanks. the other issue getting a lot of attention at the g8 summit today. syria and the civil war. with seven nations on one side and russia on the other. chuck todd in northern ireland tonight. >> reporter: when leaders of the world's largest democracies gather, they focus on the global economy.
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this year's meeting comes at a precarious time in the syrian civil war. seven g8 countries on one side, country number eight, russia, on the other. >> arriving on a golf retreat to northern ireland, president obama had to leave his clubs stateside and immediately get down to business. finding common ground with russia on syria. both leaders admitted they disagree how to deal with syria. but putin went out of his way to endore the idea of a negotiated settlement. >> we have different perspectives on the problem, but we do share the desire to reduce violence, securing chemical weapons. >> translator: we want to stop the violence in syria, stop the growth of victims, and to solve the situation peacefully, by including coming to the
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negotiation table in geneva. >> reporter: putin's words today, decidedly more measured than yesterday, when he met with prime minister david cameron. >> translator: we shouldn't back those who kill their enemies and eat their organs. >> reporter: president obama comes to the summit, fizz trip to europe since winning re-election, to a more muted reception than in the past. once heralded as the anti-president bush, even given a nobel peace prize now he is under fire for some of his policies. the nsa widely canned. the failure to shut down guantanamo bay, syria, and a perceived lack of movement on climate change. still, he tried to recapture some european popularity using an old stuff speech staple. >> young people fill me with hope. >> reporter: mr. obama came to initiate a regional trade agreement. those talks are complicated,
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thanks to european doubts if they can even trust the americans in the wake of the nsa spying controversy. >> chuck todd in northern ireland, thanks. a major point of contention at the g8, the continuing violent crackdown in turkey. our chief foreign correspondent richard engel with us from istanbul with more on both fronts. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, brian, first on syria, we're in close contact with the syrian opposition here, in particular with the commander of the free syrian army, the man the united states is proposing to arm. but he told us he hasn't heard anything about any weapons shipment, nothing. in fact, he was in tears of frustration, saying his men are dying while the united states is proposing what he called half measures. here in turkey, protests looked like they were almost over until they took a very violent turn this weekend.
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a tense standoff today as labor unions joined defiant protesters, still reeling from the government crackdown. on saturday night, police stormed taksim square, driving out protesters from their peaceful camp, they have been warned but refused to leave. the government called them vandals and anarchists, many rushed to side streets, some barricaded themselves in a hotel, using the lobby as a makeshift infirmary, and then police fired teargas inside. >> oh! >> many people overcome. >> it was mayhem. >> we have to run, because they are using teargas. >> reporter: on sunday, protesters fought back in clashes across istanbul. this is one of the largest protest movements.
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police clearing out istanbul. we felt the gas too. it was everywhere. protesters hoping re-take the square were forced back. barricades built to block the police were of little use. >> we don't want to clash. just want to get into the main square and protest peacefully. >> reporter: the government response? at a mass rally of supporters, prime minister erdogan blames foreign media and other instigators, dismissing protest allegations that he became a hardliner with an islamic agenda. state tv claim a million attended. prime minister erdogan is still generally popular in this country, but shocked many here by being so intolerant of dissent. >> richard, thanks. let's stay in that part of the world. the old face of iran on its way out. term limits in iran prevented
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president mahmoud ahmadinejad again and iran elected a new man, a more of a moderate. question is, how much change will he bring to iran and the relationship with the u.s.? our nbc news tehran chief ali alouzi put the question to him today, in a news conference carried on state tv. >> reporter: the new president of iran and perhaps a new beginning. hasan rouhani, a moderate, won more than half the vote against five more conservative candidates to replace mahmoud ahmadinejad who is as unpopular here as he is in the west. thousands of iranians took to the street to celebrate. many people here want change, more social freedom, a better economy and an end to international sanctions. in a news conference, rouhani offered greater transparency, but said uranium enrichment will continue.
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my question about u.s. relations drew a revealing answer. would you be willing to engage in direct dialog in the united states? rouhani, who speaks english and understood the question, said it was complicated. he called the u.s./iran relationship a wound that has not healed and said it was time to move forward, but direct talks are only possible if the u.s. vows never to interfere. the world waits to see if rouhani represents real change or a softening turn as the supreme leader in iran ultimately calls the shots. back in this country, a major decision at the supreme court today in a closely watched case that justices struck down, an arizona law required people to show proof of citizenship
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before being allowed to vote. pete williams with more. good evening. >> reporter: arizona said the law was intended to cut down on voter fraud, but the court says it violates a 20-year-old law, the motor voter law. which allows people to register by mail to vote in federal elections. they check a box to indicate u.s. citizenship. but arizona required some kind of document to prove it. civil rights groups said it was trying to make it harder for legal immigrants to vote. a vote of 7-2 with thomas and alito dissenting. they said what arizona did was inconsistent with the requirement to use federal form. the constitution gives congress final word on how federal elections are conducted. still unresolved, how much mower the state has to say on who gets
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to vote. it likely dooms similar laws in georgia, alabama, and kansas. we'll get decisions again on thursday, brian, with big cases of this term still to come. >> pete williams covering at the court tonight. out west, a terrible fire season. predictions today it could still get a lot worse. firefighters continue to fight a big burn in california it forced the evacuation of hundreds of homes. the l.a. fire department said this could shape up to the be worst fire season in 100 years. in colorado, the worst wildfire season in that state's history is largely contained, but not before it stored almost 500 homes. an update on health matters. nelson mandela's grandson said he is doing better, responding to treatment, hospitalized for ten days and prince philip went home today in london, ten days after his exploratory surge roe with a clean bill of health. he missed the trooping of the colors, where the queen appeared
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as happy as people have seen her in years. and this marked kate's public farewell before she is due to give birth in july. coming up, cancer patients with faster recovery. with treatment in hours rather than several exhausting weeks. and what's the deal with vladmir putin and the patriots super bowl ring? putin and the p super bowl ring? then, i got my number. my tired, achy feet affected my whole life. until i found my number. i tried the free dr. scholl's foot mapping center. in two minutes, i got my foot map and custom number. i'm a 440. that matched up to the dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support and cushioning i need. i am a believer. i'm a believer! i'm a believer. go to to find your closest walmart with a foot mapping center.
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which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. we're back with news of treatment of breast cancer that is highly effective in older women who are in the early stage of the disease. it seems to advantages, easier on patients, less costly, just as effective as older treatments. more on this tonight from chief ncy snyderman. >> are you having any pain today? >> reporter: 65-year-old jean hanlon diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. >> i'm facing some anxiety because i'm facing surgery.
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>> reporter: she's undergoing a lumpectomy. instead of weeks of radiation follow her surgery, her age and early stage of disease make her a perfect candidate for single dose intraoperative radiation therapy. it delivers small doses of radiation to the direct site, immediately following the removal of the tumor. >> my goal is to come out feeling cancer free. i don't want to feel like a sick woman. i want to be the grandma that goes to the baseball field and watches her grandsons play baseball all summer. >> reporter: the fda approved treatment is still somewhat novel here in the united states. but it has been shown to be just as effective as whole breast radiation, a fraction of the cost, and covered by insurance. there are limited side effects, and it's easier on the patients.
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>> it shortens the time period of radiation and reduces the amount of normal tissue that gets radiated. >> reporter: dr. rob meyer and his team wait for the call from pathology. then the call comes. mar margins are clear. >> everything moving on quite smoothly. >> reporter: and within minutes, the personalized radiation therapy is done. days later, back at the ballpark, rooting for her grand kids. >> i absolutely feel wonderful. >> reporter: for jean and many others, this means not weeks of radiation after cancer surgery, but time spent with family, feeling good and enjoying life. dr. nancy snyderman, nbc news, new york. back in a moment for a big victory for a lot of folks who just want to turn up the volume. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party.
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as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. a lot of attention focused all day today on a field outside of detroit in oakland township, michigan.
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the latest dig site in the search for jimmy hoffa's remains, based on a tip from a former mob boss. nothing found yet. hoffa last seen in july of '75. nasa unveiled its newest astronaut class. four of the eight women. a contrast from the first mercury seven. there is no nasa vehicle to carry them into space like the mercury astronauts. they ride with the russians to the space station and back. we'll put a list of all of the models on our website, it's too long to read. gmc recalling over 200,000 mid-size suvs because of a fire risk that is serious enough to advise people not to park them in the garage, but outside instead until the problem can be corrected. many are under the chevy trailblazer and gmc envoy brand.
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ford has been listening to consumer complaint and will bring back knobs and buttons to the dashboard. ford horn owners claim the touch screen is too hard to operate. sometimes what works already is best. bmws early drive mouse console left some drivers unable to turn the radio on. a lot more about a new study that says bullying from siblings while growing up can be just as damaging as the bullying some kids face outside the home and in school. a lot of adults may hear this and say it's just part of growing up in close quarters, but there is real damage, from physical assault to psychological aggression, that leaves lasting scars through life. when we come back, it's kind of a funny story, but who is telling the truth in the case of the stolen super bowl ring? a f
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telling the truth in the case of the stolen super bowl ring? ocias oprtunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart. i tthan probablycare moreanyone else.and we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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we replaced people with a machine.r, what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. finally tonight, we saw him near the top of the broadcast, russian president vladmir putin meeting with president obama at the g8. but putin has been in the news
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for another reason. a super bowl ring in his possession for the past eight years. it all started when the owner of the new england patriots took off his ring and showed it to putin. nbc's stephanie gosk picks up the story from there. >> reporter: vladmir putin shows a real passion for sports, tough, outdoor pursuits. perhaps patriots owner robert kraft felt the super bowl ring is something the russian president would really appreciate. or perhaps the former kgb agent was just dazzled by the bling. nearly 5 karat carats, 125 diamonds. one thing for certain, kraft did hand the ring over, and putin never handed it back. the patriots' owner had just won the third super bowl.
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he later said it was a gift. not the story he told at a carnegie hall gala last thursday night. according to "the new york post," i tyke out the ring and showed it to putin and he put it on and said i could kill someone with this ring. i put my hand out, and he put it on, and three kgb came around, and i was escorted out. what the russians say, what mr. kraft saying now is weird. a kraft spokesperson said the story was meant to be funny, and kraft is happy that the kremlin has the ring. nobody has tried to swipe your super bowl ring. >> no, absolutely not. >> we caught up with david deale at a charity event. the new york giants' lineman has two rings. >> it never leaves arm's distance, never leave it anywhere. the thing is sacred. >> reporter: if the latest tale is true, putin still has the ring and something got lost in translation.
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stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. that is our broadcast on a monday night. thank you for being here with us. as we start a new week, my thanks to lester, ann, and natalie who filled in here, allowing me to sneak away for a while. i'm brian williams. we hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. good night. here tom orrow evening. good night.
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